Chapter 14: System Maintenance
Restarting CC-SG
The restart command is used to restart the CC-SG software. Restarting
CC-SG will log all active users out of CC-SG.
Restarting will not cycle power to the CC-SG. To perform a full reboot,
you must access Diagnostic Console or the power switch on the CC-SG
1. Choose System Maintenance > Restart.
2. Type your password in the Password field.
3. Broadcast message: Use the default message or edit it. The
message will display to users who will be logged off CC-SG.
4. Restart after (min): Enter the number of minutes (from 0-720) that
should elapse before CC-SG restarts.
If specifying over 10 minutes, the broadcast message displays to
users immediately, and then repeats at 10 and 5 minutes before the
event occurs.
5. Click OK to restart CC-SG.
Upgrading CC-SG
You can upgrade CC-SG's firmware when a newer version is released.
You can find firmware files in the Support section of the Raritan website.
To upgrade CC-SG from version 3.x to version 4.1, you must upgrade it
to 4.0 first. To upgrade CC-SG from version 4.x to any version higher
than 5.0, you must upgrade it to 5.0 first.
CC-SG version 4.0 or higher is not compatible with G1 hardware. Do
not upgrade a CC-SG G1 unit to version 4.0 or later.
Download the firmware file to your client PC before proceeding with the
Only users with the CC Setup and Control privilege can upgrade CC-SG.
You should back up CC-SG before upgrading, and send the backup files
to PCs for safe keeping. See Backing Up CC-SG (on page 222) and
Save a Backup File (on page 224).
If you are operating a CC-SG cluster, you must remove the cluster
before upgrading. Upgrade each CC-SG node separately, then re-create
the cluster.
Important: If you need to upgrade both CC-SG and a device or
group of devices, perform the CC-SG upgrade first then perform the
device upgrade.