
User accounts are created so that users can be assigned a username
and password to access CC-SG.
A User Group defines a set of privileges for its members. You cannot
assign privileges to users themselves, only to user groups. All users
must belong to at least one user group.
CC-SG maintains a centralized user list and user group list for
authentication and authorization.
You can also configure CC-SG to use external authentication. See
Remote Authentication (on page 187).
You must also create policies for access that you can assign to user
groups. See Policies for Access Control (on page 175).
In This Chapter
The Users Tab ....................................................................................... 157
Default User Groups .............................................................................. 158
Adding, Editing, and Deleting User Groups ........................................... 159
Limit the Number of KVM Sessions per User ........................................ 162
Configuring Access Auditing for User Groups ....................................... 162
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Users ...................................................... 163
Assigning a User to a Group ................................................................. 165
Deleting a User From a Group .............................................................. 166
Adding Users with CSV File Import ....................................................... 166
Your User Profile ................................................................................... 172
Logging Users Out ................................................................................. 173
Bulk Copying Users ............................................................................... 174
Chapter 9
Users and User Groups