GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide 185
3 You will open the Templates Groups page by default. Select
the Private or Public Group that contains the template you
want to reset.
If the group is password protected, it is indicated by a
secirotu icon next to the Name. When you attempt to access
the group properties, the Input Group Password page will
open. Enter the password and then click the
Send button.
4 Click a Template's panel icon to open the Template Settings
page where you can view or modify Template settings.
5 If the template is password protected, it is indicated by a
security icon next to the Template's panel icon. The Input
Template Password page will open before you can proceed.
Enter the password and then click the
Send button.
6 Click the Reset Template button. You will open the Reset
Template dialog.
7 A warning message will display. Click Yes to continue or
Cancel to cancel the request.
8 You will be returned to the Templates page. The template
details will be completely erased including the panel icon and
the Template number will be available.
Scan Administration
The Scan Administration page enables you to easily perform
maintenance tasks that may be needed or periodically required. It
is a good idea to perform regular maintenance tasks such as
resetting the scan counter, backing up and restoring templates, or
deleting scan files stored on the controller.
Backing Up
Create a backup of your address book, templates or mail boxes to
store the above information on your client PC. This can be
beneficial if you want to restore these files later or upload them to
another controller.
1 Login as the system administrator.
2 Click the Administration tab.
3 Click the Maintenance submenu.
4 Click the Backup link.
5 Click Create New File to proceed.