
n Ethernet is a trademark of US Xerox Corporation.
n The official name of Windows 95 is Microsoft Windows 95 Operating System.
n The official name of Windows 98 is Microsoft Windows 98 Operating System.
n The official name of Windows 2000 is Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System.
n The official name of Windows Me is Microsoft Windows Me Operating System.
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n NOVELL, NetWare, and NDS are trademarks of US NOVELL, Inc.
n TrueType is a trademark of US Apple Computer Inc.
n Imaging for Windows is a trademark of Eastman Software, Inc., A Kodak Business.
n Cisco, Cisco Systems, and Aironet are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and its affiliates in the U.S. and
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n The technology of Dartcom is used in the scanning process.
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