Remote Session Operation (continued)
The table below describes the contents of the Video Settings screen:
Setting Description
Screen Position Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the screen using the Screen Position arrows.
Auto Sync Click this button to automatically detect the vertical and horizontal position settings of the remote screen. If the local and
remote mouse pointers are not synced, performing this function will normally bring them back into alignment. If Auto Sync
fails to align the screen properly, use the Screen Position arrows to make manual adjustments.
RGB Move the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) slider bars to adjust the corresponding color component of the video image. Check the
Set to Grayscale checkbox to display the video of the remote computer in black and white. If the remote keyboard and mouse
response time is slow or choppy, checking the Set to Grayscale option can speed them up.
Gamma This section allows you to adjust the video display’s gamma level. This function is discussed in detail in the Gamma
Adjustment section following this table.
Network Type This drop-down menu allows you to choose from a list of network types. The video settings are then configured to optimize
the remote session performance for the selected network type. You can also customize the video settings yourself instead of
choosing a pre-determined configuration.
Video Quality Drag the slider bar to adjust the overall quality of the video of the remote computer. On slower networks, lowering the video
quality can help improve keyboard and mouse response time.
Enable Refresh The remote screen can be set to be redrawn every 1 to 99 seconds, eliminating unwanted artifacts that would otherwise
remain on the screen. Click the Enable Refresh checkbox to activate this feature, and then enter in the desired refresh rate.
Transparency Adjusts the transparency of the toolbars displayed by the Windows and Java clients. Move the slider bar until the
transparency is set to the desired level.
Detect Tolerance This setting governs allowable pixel changes. A high setting limits changes, resulting in lower video quality and less data
transfer. A low setting allows more changes, resulting in higher video quality and more data transfer. On slower networks, a
high detect tolerance setting can help improve keyboard and mouse response time.
Video Settings – The Video Settings screen allows you to
adjust the placement and picture quality of the remote screen. The
quality of the image display has a direct affect on the keyboard
and mouse response time. Higher quality video results in more
information being transferred over the network, which can cause slow
keyboard and mouse response time in slower networks. Click this icon
to open the Video Settings screen.
Control Panel (continued)