Remote Session Operation (continued)
Manual Mouse Synchronization
If the local mouse pointer goes out of sync with the remote system’s
mouse pointer, there are a number of methods to bring them back into
good idea to ensure that you go to your Mouse Properties Settings
and set them according to the instructions that follow. The Mouse
Properties Settings should be set on the computers attached to the
B064-Series KVM Switch, not the computer you are using to access
it. Note: In order for the local and remote mice to synchronize, you
must use the generic mouse driver supplied with the MS operating
system. If you have a third party driver installed - such as one
supplied by the mouse manufacturer - you must remove it.
Windows 2000:
1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box
2. Click the Motion tab
3. Set the mouse speed to the middle position (6 units in from the left)
4. Set the mouse acceleration to None
Windows XP and later:
1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box
2. Click the Pointer Options tab
3. Set the mouse speed to the middle position (6 units in from the left)
4. Disable Enhance Pointer Precision
Sun / Linux:
Open a terminal session and issue the following command:
Sun: xset m 1
Linux: xset m 0
Mouse Synchronization Procedures
If you are having syncing problems after adjusting the mouse
and remote mouse pointers. Note: Mouse synchronization may
require several seconds to take effect. Wait for 15 to 30 seconds to
ensure that the mouse has had enough time to sync.
• Wheninaremotesession,movethemousepointertotheupper-
center of the screen to open the control panel, and then move it back
into the remote screen. The mouse pointers should align.
• ClicktheVideo Auto Sync icon in the control panel. In most cases,
the local and remote mouse pointers will sync following the video
auto sync.
• InvoketheAdjust Mouse hotkey command (see Hotkeys section
under Control Panel for details). This hotkey command defaults at
F8, F7, F6.
• Adjustthevideosettingstodecreasetheamountofinformation
being transferred over the network. The less data that is being sent,
the faster the response time. In particular, the Quality and Detect
Tolerance settings in the Video Settings screen (see Video Settings
section under Control Panel for details) can help improve keyboard
and mouse response time.
• GototheNetwork page in the OSD and reduce the Network
Transfer Rate setting. (See Network section under Device
Management in OSD Operation for details.)
• Gotothedisplaysettingssectionoftheremotecomputerandlower
the video resolution, refresh rate and color settings.
• Iftheremotecomputerhasagraphicdesktopbackground,changeit
to a solid color background.
Control Panel (continued)