Control Panel (continued)
Remote Session Operation (continued)
The buttons on the button bar at the top of the message board are toggles. The actions for each of these buttons are described in the table below.
Button Function
Enable/Disable Chat – When disabled, this icon displays next to the disabled user’s name in the User List panel of all users’ message
boards. Messages directed to the disabled user are not displayed on the message board. The button is shadowed when chat is disabled.
Occupy/Release Keyboard/Video/Mouse – When you occupy the KVM, other users cannot see the video, and cannot input keyboard
or mouse data. A prompt will come up on the locked out users’ monitor stating which user has occupied the KVM. The button in the
message board is shadowed and this icon displays next to the occupying user’s name in the User List of all users’ message boards.
Occupy/Release Keyboard/Mouse – When you occupy the KVM, other users can see the video, but cannot input keyboard or mouse
data. The button is shadowed and this icon displays next to the occupying user’s name in the User List of all users’ message boards.
User List Panel
• Tohide/unhidetheUser List panel, click on the arrows in the panel separator.
• ThenamesofalltheloggedinusersappearintheUser List panel. Select the names of the users that you wish to communicate with before
sending your message.
• Ifauserhasdisabledchat,itsicondisplaysbeforethatuser’sname.
• IfauserhasoccupiedtheKVMortheKM,thecorrespondingicondisplaysbeforethatuser’sname.
Compose Panel
TypeyourmessageintothispanelandthenclicktheSendbuttonorpressthe[Enter]keytopostthemessagetothemessageboard.Note: You
must select the user that you want to communicate with from the user list. To send a message to all users, simply click All Users in the user list.
Message Display Panel
Messages that users post to the board, as well as system messages, display in this panel. If you disable chat, messages that get posted do not appear.
Ctrl – Alt – Delete – Clickthisicontosendthe[Ctrl,Alt,
Set to Grayscale – Click this icon to display the remote video
in black and white. On slower networks, displaying the remote video in
black and white can help improve keyboard and mouse response time.
Virtual Media – The Virtual Media function allows a drive,
folder, image file or removable disk on a user’s system to be accessible
on the remote server. The following media are supported via the
KVMs Virtual Media functionality.
Browser and non-Browser Windows Client
• IDECD-ROM/DVD-ROMDrives–ReadOnly
• IDEHardDrives–ReadOnly
• USBCD-ROM/DVD-ROMDrives–ReadOnly
• USBHardDrives–Read/Write*
• USBFlashDrives–Read/Write*
• USBFloppyDrives–Read/Write
• USBCardReaders
• USBFingerprintReaders
• ISOFiles–ReadOnly
• Folders–Read/Write
* These drives can be mounted either as a Drive or as a Removable
Disk. Mounting as a Removable Disk allows the user to boot the remote
server if the disk contains a bootable OS. If the disk contains more than
one partition, the remote server can access all of the partitions.
Browser and non-Browser Java Client
• ISOFiles–ReadOnly
• Folders–Read/Write
USB Ports on Front Panel of KVM Switch
• IDECD-ROM/DVD-ROMDrives–ReadOnly
• IDEHardDrives–ReadOnly
• USBCD-ROM/DVD-ROMDrives–ReadOnly
• USBHardDrives–Read/Write*
• USBFlashDrives–Read/Write*
• USBFloppyDrives–Read/Write
• USBCardReaders
• USBFingerprintReaders
* These drives can be mounted either as a Drive or as a Removable
Disk. Mounting as a Removable Disk allows the user to boot the
remote server if the disk contains a bootable OS. If the disk contains
more than one partition, the remote server can access all of the
Note: The Virtual Media function is only active for computer/servers
that are connected to the KVM switch using a B055-001-USB-V2
SIU. Computers connected to a cascaded B064-016 KVM will not be
able to use virtual media.