Hardware Setup
General Safety Instructions
• Readalloftheseinstructions.Savethemforfuturereference.
• Followallwarningsandinstructionsmarkedonthedevice.
• Use of this equipment in life support applications where failure of this equipment can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of the life
support equipment or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness is not recommended. Do not use this equipment in the presence of a
flammable anesthetic mixture with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide.
• ThisdeviceisdesignedforITpowerdistributionsystemswithupto230Vphase-to-phasevoltage.
• Donotplacethedeviceonanyunstablesurface(cart,stand,table,etc.).Ifthedevicefalls,seriousdamagewillresult.
• Donotusethedevicenearwater.
• Donotplacethedevicenear,orover,radiatorsorheatregisters.
• Thedevicecabinetisprovidedwithslotsandopeningstopermitadequateventilation.Toensurereliableoperationandprotectagainst
overheating, these openings must never be blocked or covered.
• Thedeviceshouldnotbeplacedonasoftsurface(bed,sofa,rug,etc.),asthiswillblockitsventilationopenings.Likewise,thedeviceshould
not be placed in a built-in enclosure unless adequate ventilation has been provided.
• Neverspillliquidofanykindonthedevice.
• Unplugthedevicefromthewalloutletbeforecleaning.Useadampclothforcleaning.Donotuseliquidoraerosolcleaners.
• Thedeviceshouldbeoperatedfromthetypeofpowersourceindicatedonthemarkinglabel.Ifyouarenotsureofthetypeofpoweravailable,
consult your dealer or local power company.
• Topreventdamagetoyourinstallation,ensurethatalldevicesareproperlygrounded.
• Thedeviceisequippedwitha3-wiregroundingtypeplug.Thisisasafetyfeature.Ifyouareunabletoinserttheplugintotheoutlet,contact
your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not attempt to defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug. Always follow your local/
national wiring codes.
• Positionsystemcablesandpowercablescarefullytoensurethatnothingrestsonanycable.Routethepowercordandcablessothatthey
cannot be stepped on or tripped over.
• Ifanextensioncordisusedwiththisdevice,makesurethatthetotalampereratingofallproductsusedonthecorddoesnotexceedthe
extension cord ampere rating. Make sure that the total of all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes.
• Tohelpprotectyoursystemfromsuddentransientincreasesanddecreasesinelectricalpower,itisrecommendedthatyouplugyourdevices
into a Tripp Lite surge suppressor, line conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
• Whenconnectingordisconnectingpowertohot-pluggablepowersupplies,observethefollowingprecautions:
> Install the power supply before connecting the power cable to the power supply
> Unplug the power cable before removing the power supply
> If the system has multiple sources of power, disconnect power from the system by unplugging all power cables from the power supplies
> Never push objects of any kind into or through cabinet slots. They may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts, resulting in a risk
of fire or electrical shock
> Do not attempt to service the device yourself. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel
• Ifthefollowingconditionsoccur,unplugthedevicefromthewalloutletandbringittoqualiedservicepersonnelforrepair:
> The power cord or plug has become damaged or frayed
> Liquid has been spilled into the device
> The device has been exposed to rain or water
> The device has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged
> The device exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service
> The device does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed
• Adjustonlythosecontrolsthatarecoveredintheoperatinginstructions.Improperadjustmentofothercontrolsmayresultindamagethatwill
require extensive repair work by a qualified technician.
• DonotconnecttheRJ11connectormarked“UPGRADE”toapublictelecommunicationnetwork.