
Tab Down Tab Up Enter Back Read On/Off
2. You are asked if you are sure you want to delete all the stored samples. Press Tab
Up or Tab Down to move the highlight to Yes and press Enter.
Tagging Samples (using the optional BCR)
Barcodes are scanned as “tags” and stored with sample measurements. Sample data that
is output includes the attached tags (up to six tags per sample). There are three tagging
options that become available once a barcode is scanned.
Next Sample Tag option stores the scanned tag with the next sample measured.
Current Group Tag option stores the scanned tag with every measurement saved to
a selected group. The first tag scanned in a group is also used as the group name.
All Tag option stores the scanned tag with all measurements taken in Store mode.
1. Make sure the instrument is in Store mode and select the Group number as
previously explained.
2. Using the instrument’s optional BCR, scan the tag barcode. Refer to Section One for
additional information on use of the optional barcode reader.
The name of the barcode appears on the second line of the display. If the name does
not appear on the instrument display, refer to Troubleshooting Tips in Section Five.
Barcode Read
Sample #1234
To be stored as
an All Tag
3. With Tag Option highlighted, press Enter to page though a current Group Tag,
the Next Sample Tag and an All Tag.
NOTE: The “All Tag” option will not appear if any samples are stored in the
instrument, and “Group Tag” option will not appear if any measurements are
stored in the selected group.
4. Use Tab Up or Tab Down to select SAVE and then press Enter.
5. If additional tags (up to six) are required for the following sample(s), scan in with
the BCR and repeat step 3 and 4.
6. After tagging, position the instrument over the sample and take the measurement.
You may have to press Read to complete the measurement if the instrument is
configured to do so.