Abocom None Network Card User Manual

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Link Status Tab
Shows the current connected AP SSID and MAC address. If there is no
connection existing, it will show Disconnected.
Extra Info
Shows the link status and TX power percentage.
Shows the current channel in use.
Authentication mode used within the network, including Unknown,
Open, Shared, Leap, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA and WPA2.
Shows the encryption type currently in use. Valid value includes WEP,
TKIP, AES, and Not Use.
Network Type
Network type in use, Infrastructure for BSS, Ad-Hoc for IBSS network.
IP Address
Shows the IP address information.
Sub Mask
Shows the Subnet Mask information.
Default Gateway
Shows the default gateway information.
Link Quality
Shows the connection quality based on signal strength and TX/RX packet
error rate.