Command Line Interface
Command Usage
• If the file type is used for system startup, then this file cannot be deleted.
• “Factory_Default_Config.cfg” cannot be deleted.
This example shows how to delete the test2.cfg configuration file from flash memory.
Related Commands
dir (4-66)
delete public-key (4-37)
This command displays a list of files in flash memory.
dir {{boot-rom: | config: | opcode:} [filename]}
The type of file or image to display includes:
• boot-rom
- Boot ROM (or diagnostic) image file.
• config - Switch configuration file.
• opcode - Run-time operation code image file.
• filename - Name of configuration file or code image. If this file exists but
contains errors, information on this file cannot be shown.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
• If you enter the command dir without any parameters, the system displays all
• A colon (:) is required after the specified unit number.
• File information is shown below:
Console#delete test2.cfg
Table 4-26 File Directory Information
Column Heading Description
file name The name of the file.
file type File types: Boot-Rom, Operation Code, and Config file.
startup Shows if this file is used when the system is started.
size The length of the file in bytes.