• Keyboard-Use the tab and arrow keys to highlight buttons and
press the spacebar or Enter to execute. You can also execute a
menu or button by using the Alt key in combination with the
underlined letter in the name of the menu or button.
You can have more than one task open at the same time, although
some tasks might require complete control to avoid possible conflicts.
The tasks achieve complete control by keeping the task as the center of
operation until you close the task window.
The SSU has a build-in help system, which you access by clicking a Help
button or choosing the Help menu.
Customizing the SSU Interface
The SSU lets you customize your interface using the Preferences section
of the main window. The AF sets these preferences and saves them in
the AF.INI file so that they take effect the next time you start the SSU.
There are four user customizable settings:
• Color-lets you change the default colors associated with different
items on the screen using predefined color combinations. The
color changes take effect immediately.
• Mode-lets you set the desired expertise level: novice, intermediate,
or expert. The expertise level determines which tasks are visible in
the Available Tasks section and which actions each task performs.
For a new mode setting to take effect, you must exit the SSU and
restart it.
• Language-lets you change the text in the SSU to the appropriate
language. For a new language setting to take effect, you must exit
the SSU and restart it.
• Other-lets you show or hide the status bar at the bottom of the
SSU main window. The change takes effect immediately.
Note: If you run the SSU from read-only media (CD-ROM, for
example), these preferences are lost when you exit the SSU.
Exiting the SSU
Exiting the SSU closes all SSU windows.