&S1: DSR comes on when establishing a connection and when carrier is lost.
&Vn View Active Configuration and Stored Profile
This command is used to display the active profiles.
&V0: View stored profile 0.
&V1: View stored profile 1.
&V3: View relay and general-purpose input-output status.
&Wn Store Current Configuration
This command stores certain command options and S-register values into the
modems nonvolatile memory. The ATZ command or a power-up reset of the mo-
dem restores this profile.
&W0: Store in user profile 0.
&W1: Store in user profile 1.
&Yn Select Stored Profile On Power-UP
This command selects user profiles on power-up:
&Y0: Recall stored profile 0 on power-up
&Y1: Recall stored profile 1 on power-up.
&Zn=x Store Telephone Number
This command is used to store up to four dialing strings in the modems nonvola-
tile memory for later dialing. The format for the command is &Zn = stored num-
ber where n is the location 0-3 to which the number should be written. The dial
string may contain up to 30 digits. The ATDS = n command dials using the string
stored in location n.
%En Auto-Retrain Control
This command enables-disables auto-retrain:
%E0: Disables auto-retrain.
%E1: Enables auto-retrain (default)..
%Gn Rate Renegotiation
This Command enables-disables rate-renegotiation.