LTPH-UM-1031-03, Issue 3 Front Panel
H4TU-C-319 List 1 September 12, 2003 7
FRM xxxx Frame: SF, ESF, UNFR Defines the type of frame pattern being received from the DSX-1:
SuperFrame (SF), Extended SuperFrame (ESF), or Unframed (UNFR).
CODE xxxx Line Code: AMI, B8ZS The line code that the H4TU-C is receiving at its DSX-1 interface, if the
DS1 option is set to AUTO. Otherwise, it mimics either of the other two
DS1 line codes: Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) or Bipolar with 8-Zero
Substitution (B8ZS).
LATT xx Loop Attenuation The current loop attenuation threshold setting measured in dB.
MARG xx Margin The current margin threshold setting measured in dB.
(a) System information messages scroll in the order listed. To scroll through the messages, press the MODE pushbutton for 3 or
more seconds. After system information messages scroll, the front panel displays the line card options (see Table 5 on
page 19 and Table 6 on page 20).
Table 2. Front-Panel Display Messages (Continued)
Message Full Name Description