
PCA-6359 Series User’s Manual
6.1 Introduction
The PCA-6359F is equipped with a Symbios SYM53C875E
single-chip PCI-to-SCSI host adapter which provides a powerful Ultra
Wide multitasking interface between your computers PCI bus and
SCSI devices (disk drives, CD-ROM drives, scanners, tape backups,
removable media drives, etc.). Up to a total of 15 SCSI devices can be
connected to the SCSI connector through the Symbios SYM53C875E.
The Symbios SYM53C875E is a 16-bit single-ended SCSI solution
for your computer. It can support both legacy Fast SCSI and Ultra
SCSI devices, as well as the newest Ultra Wide SCSI devices.
If you need to configure the SCSI, the onboard SCSI Select configura-
tion utility allows you to change host adapter settings without opening
the computer or handling the board. The SCSI Select utility also
contains a utility to low-level format and verifies the disk media on
your hard disk drives.
6.2 Before You Begin
SDMS software requires an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer with
an 80486 or higher microprocessor. An understanding of basic
operating system commands is assumed. In addition, users should
have a general knowledge of the SCSI standard.
Before using the SDMS software, you should configure the Symbios
SCSI controller into your system, taking into account the configura-
tion of other host adapters and system resources (see Section 6.3).
Symbios recommends that you back up all data before making any
changes or installing any software, including the Symbios SCSI
controllers and software. Failure to adhere to this accepted computer
practice may lead to loss of data.