
switched rack pdu
Device Manager Menus
Outlet Settings
Control outlets
Web interface. To control the outlets on your Switched Rack PDU
individually or as a group, select the check boxes next to the outlet numbers
or the Apply to all Outlets check box in the Outlets menu. Select a
Control Action from the list and press the Next >> button to go to a
confirmation page that explains the action and prompts you to execute or
cancel the action.
Control Console. Select Outlet Control/Config from the Device
Manager menu to display a list of outlets. You can control each outlet
separately or configure all of the outlets simultaneously, but you cannot
control small groups of outlets as you can in the Web interface. Choose the
number of each outlet you want to control and press ENTER. Choose option
1, Control Outlet, and select a control action. On the confirmation screen
that outlines the action to be executed, type Yes at the prompt to perform
the action.
Option Description
No Action (Web
interface only)
Do nothing.
On Immediate Apply power to the selected outlets.
On Delayed
Apply power to each selected outlet according to its value for
Power On Delays.
Off Immediate Remove power from the selected outlets.