Control buttonKey name
Increase keyboard illuminationF10
The Embedded Keypad
A certain group of alphanumeric keys can also function as an embedded keypad. The user selects this mode
by using the Fn key or the Num Lock key. Figure 3-8 (page 41) shows the keys making up the embedded
keypad and Table 3-10 (page 43) lists them.
Table 3-10 Embedded keypad keys
Keypad functionKey nameKeypad functionKey name
* (multiply)PClear6
– (subtract);/ (divide)0
0M= (equals)-
. (decimal).5I
+ (add)/6O
When the embedded keypad is made active by the Num Lock key, the other alphanumeric keys have no
operation (NOP), as shown in Figure 3-8 (page 41). The affected keys include certain special character keys:
plus and equal sign, right and left brackets, vertical bar and backslash, and straight apostrophe.
Other Control Keys
The cursor control keys can also be used as page control keys. Other control keys can take on the functions
of certain keys on a PC keyboard, for use with PC emulation software. The Fn key controls the modes of
operation of this group of keys. Table 3-11 (page 43) is a list of these keys and their alternate functions. These
control keys are also show in Figure 3-8 (page 41).
Table 3-11 Control keys that change
Alternate functionKey name
Right shift keyShift
Right control keyControl
Alt gr (right Alt key)Option
Keyboard 43
Legacy Document | 2003-03-01 | © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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