Asus P5N73-AM Computer Hardware User Manual

1-22 Chapter 1: Product introduction
1.8.3 Interrupt assignments
Standard interrupt assignments
IRQ Standard Function
0 High precision event timer
1 Standard 101/102-key or Microsoft PS/2 keyboard
4 Communicators Port (COM1)
6 Standard oppy disk controller
8 High precision event timer
9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
12 PS/2 Compatible Mouse
13 Numeric data processor
11 NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management
20 Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
21 Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Denition Audio
21 Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
22 NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / nForce 610i
22 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
23 NVIDIA Network Bus Enumerator
* These IRQs are usually available for ISA or PCI devices.
1.8.2 Conguring an expansion card
After installing the expansion card, congure it by adjusting the software settings.
1. Turn on the system and change the necessary BIOS settings, if any. See
Chapter 2 for information on BIOS setup.
2. Assign an IRQ to the card. Refer to the tables on the next page.
3. Install the software drivers for the expansion card.