Asus P5N73-AM Computer Hardware User Manual

2-22 Chapter 2: BIOS setup
FSB (QDR), MHz [Auto]
Allows you to adjust CPU FSB frequency from 400 to 2400. You may enter a
new value or use +/- keys to adjust. This item becomes user-congurabled
when the FSB - Memory Clock Mode item is set to [Linked] or [Unlinked].
The Actual FSB (QDR) reects the actual frequency that takes effect on a
MEM (DDR), MHz [Auto]
Allows you to adjust the memory frequency from 400 to 1400. You may enter
a new value or use +/- keys to adjust. This item becomes user-congurabled
when the FSB - Memory Clock Mode item is set to [Unlinked].
The actual MEM (DDR) reects the actual frequency that takes effect on a
Memory Timing Setting
Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Memory Timing Setting
Select Menu
Item Specic Help
Select [Expert] to
enter timings manually
The following items become user-congurable when the Memory Timing
Setting item is set to [Expert].
Memory Timing Setting [Optimal]
Allows you to set the memory timing setting. Conguration options: [Optimal]
tCL (CAS Latency) [Auto]
Allows you to set tCL (CAS Latency). Conguration options: [Auto] [1] [2] [3]
[4] [5] [6].
Memory Timing Setting [Optimal]
X tCL (CAS Latency) Auto
X tRCD Auto
X tRP Auto
X tRAS Auto
X Command Per Clock (CMD) Auto
** Advanced Memory Setting **
X rRRD Auto
X tRC Auto
X tWR Auto
X tWTR Auto
X tREF Auto