Asus P5N73-AM Computer Hardware User Manual

2-18 Chapter 2: BIOS setup
Displays the auto-detected hard disk capacity. This item is not congurable.
Shows the number of the hard disk cylinders. This item is not congurable.
Shows the number of the hard disk read/write heads. This item is not congurable.
Shows the number of sectors per track. This item is not congurable.
Transfer Mode
Shows the Transfer mode. This item is not congurable.
After entering the IDE hard disk drive information into BIOS, use a disk utility,
such as FDISK, to partition and format new IDE hard disk drives. This is
necessary so that you can write or read data from the hard disk. Ensure to set
the partition of the Primary IDE hard disk drives to active.
Before attempting to congure a hard disk drive, ensure you have the correct
conguration information supplied by the drive manufacturer. Incorrect settings
may cause the system to fail to recognize the installed hard disk.