ASUS P/I-XP55T2P4 User's Manual 1
How this manual is organized
This manual is divided into the following sections:
I. Introduction: Manual information and checklist
II. Features: Information and specifications
III. Installation: Instructions on setting up the motherboard
IV. BIOS Setup: BIOS software setup information
V. ASUS DMI Utility: BIOS supported Desktop Management Interface
VI. ASUS PCI-SC200: Installation of an optional SCSI card
VII. ASUS I-A16C: Installation of an optional Audio card
VIII. DOS/Win3.1x: Audio Software Manual (with I-A16C bundle only)
IX. Windows 95: Audio Software Manual (with I-A16C bundle only)
Item Checklist
Please check that your package is complete. If you discover damaged or missing
items, please contact your retailer.
√ The ASUS P/I-XP55T2P4 motherboard with built-in 2 serial, 1 parallel,
PS/2 Keyboard, and PS/2 Mouse connectors
√ 1 IDE ribbon cable
√ 1 floppy ribbon cable
√ Support software (view FILELIST.TXT detailed contents and description)
• Bus Master IDE Drivers
√ This user's manual (audio sections included with I-A16C bundle only)
Optional infrared module
Optional ASUS PCI-SC200 Fast-SCSI card
Optional ASUS I-A16C Audio Card
(Manual / Checklist)