HTTP and HTTPS Commands
A-58 Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide
The default path for the Help files is C:/Program Files/Avaya_
Wireless/AP/HTML/index.htm. (Use the forward slash character (/)
rather than the back slash character (\) when configuring the Help
Link location.) The AP Help information is available in English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese.
Syntax Examples
Change HTTP Interface Password
[Device-Name]> set httppasswd <New Password> (HTTP interface
Configure Management Interfaces
[Device-Name]> set httpifbitmask <(see Table A-2)>
Choose from the following values:
Table A-2 Interface Bitmask Values
Interface Bitmask Description
0 or 2 = disable (all interfaces) All management channels disabled
1 or 3 = Ethernet only Ethernet only enabled
4 or 6 = Wireless only Wireless only enabled
5 or 7 = all interfaces All management channels enabled