Avaya P332GT-ML User’s Guide 131
Chapter 16
Updating the Software
This section provides the basic procedure for downloading and updating the P330
system software.
Caution: Please refer to "Before You Install the P330" before undertaking any of the
procedures detailed in this section.
Software Download
You can perform software download using the CLI or Avaya UpdateMaster (part of
the Avaya Multi-Service Network Manager Suite).
Obtain Software Online
You can download the firmware and Embedded Web Manager from the “Software
Download” section at www.avaya.com/support
Downloading Software
Download the firmware and Embedded Web Manager as follows:
Use the command in the Avaya P330 CLI:
copy tftp SW_image <image-file> EW_archive <filename> <ip>
Please see the CLI Chapters of the User’s Guides for related information.
image-file firmware image file name (full path)
filename Embedded Web Manager image file name (full path)
ip The IP address of the TFTP server
mod_num Target module number