Chapter 3: Installation 23
• Dynamically bound receivers may drop media sessions for any reason and are not treated
as an error. Explicitly bound receivers will be flagged as non-responsive should they drop
connection with the transmitter.
• Explicit bindings allow for the selection of a Primary Reciever, which is required for bi-
directional serial and IR communications. Futher, the Primary Receiver may be used to
establish a particular display device as the source for EDID information.
• Multi-transmitter configurations require explicit pairings of receivers to transmitters.
The transmitter’s Bindings page contains separate tables for detected receivers and configured
receivers. In addition, there is a global setting that enables automatic binding of detected receivers.
Entries in the Detected Receivers table contains entries that are dynamically added as receivers are
detected on the wired (L2) or wireless media LAN. Each entry provides the MAC address and bind
status of the receiver. A check box is provided for you to add detected receivers to the Configured
Receivers table. The Specified Receivers table allows explicit controls for receiver binding. A
bound receiver participates in media sessions with the transmitter. Explictly unbound receivers may
be bound by a different transmitter.
The global option, labeled Automatically Bind Detected Receivers, is used to indicate whether
detected receivers are automatically bound or not.
NOTE: Automatic binding results in a dynamic extension network in which receivers bind and unbind as they are
turned on and off. Although simple to establish, dynamic extension networks lack a primary receiver, which
prevents the transmission of bi-directional serial and IR data.
To establish explicit receiver bindings:
1. Within the Detected Receivers table, select the Add to Configured Receivers checkbox next to
each detected receiver.
Figure 3.3 on page 24 illustrates the Detected Receivers table.
2. Optional. You may manually enter a receiver’s MAC address. MAC address labels are affixed
to the bottom of an MPX1000 receiver.
3. Optional. Configure the Automatically Bind Detected Receivers setting using drop-down list.
If enabled, the transmitter will automatically bind all detected receivers detected that are not
explicitly disabled for binding in the Configured Receivers table.
4. Apply the changes and navigate back to the Bindings page.
5. In the Configured Receivers table, set the Bind Allowed checkbox to configure each receiver as
explicitly bound (able to receive media data), or not bound (able to bind with a different
Figure 3.3 on page 24 illustrates the Configured Receivers table.
6. Click the Primary radio button to assign one unit as the Primary receiver for bi-directional
exchange of IR and serial data and reception of EDID information.
7. Apply the changes.