Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
Using Your AVU1500 with a
Home Automation System (optional)
Power Controls (UsagePage=0x86)
• Test:
• Write value: Test request value
0: No test
1: Quick test
2: Deep test
3: Abort test
• Read value: Test result value
0: No test initiated
1: Done and Passed
2: Done and Warning (no support needed)
3: Done and Error
4: Aborted
5: In progress
• AudibleAlarmControl: 1: Disable 2: Enable 3: Muted (Temporarily)
Read or Write value: 1: Disabled 2: Enabled 3: Muted (Temporarily)
• DelayBeforeShutdown: Writing this value shuts down the UPS after
the indicated number of seconds.
• The maximum value is 32767. Setting this object to 0 aborts the
countdown. When read, “Delay Before Shutdown” will return the
number of seconds remaining until shutdown, or 0 if no shutdown
countdown is in effect.
• DelayBeforeStartup: Writing this value starts the output after
the indicated number of minutes in “Delay before Startup”. The
maximum value is 32767. Sending this command with 0 aborts
the countdown.
• PowerOnDelay: Delays the UPS startup after power restores. The
power quality may not be stable when power restores; this feature
lets the UPS wait a period of time to start up the system.
Report ID # Usage (usage ID) Byte # Unit Comment
16 }Test (0x58) 1 R/W
17 }Audible Alarm Control (0x5A) 1 R/W
21 }Delay Before Shutdown (0x57) 2 Second R/W
}Delay Before Startup (0x56) 2 Minute R/W
}Power On Delay (0x81) 1 R/W