Error codes
Other problems may be accompanied by a display of
and a number. Check the number against
the list below.
OK No message. Operation completed No action.
02 IMPOSSIBLE CONNECTION The fax machine does not detect any Check that the fax machine is
dialing tone or receives an irregular signal. correctly connected to the telephone
line and that the hardset is not off
the hook. Then try connecting again.
03 RECEIVER DOES NOT ANSWER The number you are calling does not Check for dial tone by lifting the
answer or is not a fax or there is no handset and if OK try calling again.
dial tone.
04 ERR.WHILE TRANSMITTING A problem has occurred while Send again starting from the
RESEND FROM PAGE: nn sending a fax. “nn” = page number page shown in the report.
on the which the error occurred.
05 RESEND PAGES: The machine you are calling Send again starting from the page
nn, nn detected errors during the send. shown in the report.
“nn” = page number on which
the error occurred.
07 DOCUMENT TOO LONG or Transmission time for a page exceeds Try sending again.
SENDING STOPPED the permitted limit.
08 CHECK THE DOCUMENT Optical scanner unable to read Remove and re-insert document in
the document or document may be the feeder and try again.
too long. Check paper is not longer than
360mm (US Legal Length).
09 STOP PRESSED You have stopped the machine. No action.
10 No message Fax has detected an error while Ask sender to send fax again.
receiving a fax.
11 No message Printer problem while receiving a fax. Correct the printing problem, then
Document stored in the memory wait for the stored document to be
but the memory capacity has been printed. Ask sender to fax the rest
exceeded. of the document.
13 ERRORS WHILE POLLING Polled fax machine has no document Contact the sender.
ready or was not set for polling.
16 POWER FAILURE ON PAGE Power failure while sending or Send again from the page shown on
receiving a document. the report.
(OK) No message. Document has been received but Contact sender.
printing quality is poor.
OCC LINE BUSY The line is engaged. Try again later.