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Form Length:
This command can be used to set the form length of a ‘Custom’ size page. You may
specify the vertical print area in text lines as dened by the ‘Text Line Spacing’
setting, or in inches.
If using the ‘Lines’ method for setting “custom” form length, the physical height of
the page is determined by the vertical space per line as determined by the ‘Text Line
Spacing’ command. The minimum value allowed is the number of lines that would
equal at least one inch of print because this is the minimum length of paper that will
feed properly through the printer. For example, if your current ‘Text Line Spacing’
is set to 6 lines per inch, you must specify at least ‘6’ lines of form length. The
maximum setting is 127 lines. For 6 lines per inch, that will provide a page of a little
more than 21 inches in length.
If using the ‘Inches’ method for setting form length, the physical height of the page
is rounded down if needed to create an even number of print lines as determined by
the ‘Text Line Spacing’ command. For example, if your ‘Text Line Spacing’ is set
to 6 lines per inch, and you specify 9.6 inches, the application will determine that 57
lines could be printed in this space, and change your inch value to (1/6 x 57) and the
display a form length of 9.5 inches.
If you switch modes from ‘Lines’ to ‘Inches’, the form length will be recalculated in
inches and displayed accordingly. If you switch from ‘Inches’ to ‘Lines’, the form
length will also be recalculated and displayed as the number text lines that will be
printed as shown in the example below.