IV. Hardware Setup
IV. Hardware Setup
AP8000 Hardware Reference Guide
• 4-14. Power Supply
Power Supply
One Power
Supply Module
If any of the power modules
fails, the power module’s LED
will turn OFF. If this happends,
remove the power cord to the
failed power module. Then re-
move the two screws and slide
the failed power module out.
Power Supply
The redundant power supply is
swappable within its own
frame. The entire frame can
also be unscrewed for servicing
if necessary. A support brace
must be used to support the
frame under the inner edge.
There are four screws securing
the power supply support brace
as circled.
Power Supply
This server has a special redun-
dant power supply with specifi-
cations to handle this server’s re-
quirements. A clearly marked la-
bel gives detailed specifications
of the power supply. A power
switch is not provided; there-
fore, it is necessary to remove
the power cords before opening
the side panel in order to turn
OFF the standby power.
Power Supply
Support Brace