
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels
Circuit Properties
State—The circuit state. See the “7.2.2 Circuit States” section on page 7-4.
The Filter button allows you to filter the circuits in network, node, or card view based on circuit name,
size, type, direction, and other attributes. In addition, you can export the Circuit window data in HTML,
comma-separated values (CSV), or tab-separated values (TSV) format using the Export command from
the File menu.
7.2.1 Circuit Status
The circuit statuses that appear in the Circuit window Status column are generated by Cisco Transport
Controller (CTC) based on conditions along the circuit path. Table 7-1 shows the statuses that can appear
in the Status column.
Table 7-1 ONS 15310-MA SDH Circuit Status
Status Definition/Activity
CREATING CTC is creating a circuit.
DISCOVERED CTC created a circuit. All components are in place and a complete path
exists from circuit source to destination.
DELETING CTC is deleting a circuit.
PARTIAL A CTC-created circuit is missing a cross-connect or network span or a
complete path from source to destination(s) does not exist.
In CTC, circuits are represented using cross-connects and network
spans. If a network span is missing from a circuit, the circuit status is
PARTIAL. However, a PARTIAL status does not necessarily mean a
circuit traffic failure has occurred, because traffic might flow on a
protect path.
Network spans are in one of two states: up or down. On CTC circuit and
network maps, up spans appear as green lines, and down spans appear as
gray lines. If a failure occurs on a network span during a CTC session,
the span remains on the network map but its color changes to gray to
indicate that the span is down. If you restart your CTC session while the
failure is active, the new CTC session cannot discover the span and its
span line does not appear on the network map.
Subsequently, circuits routed on a network span that goes down appear
as DISCOVERED during the current CTC session, but appear as
PARTIAL to users who log in after the span failure.
DISCOVERED_TL1 A TL1-created circuit or a TL1-like CTC-created circuit is complete. A
complete path from source to destinations exists.
PARTIAL_TL1 A TL1-created circuit or a TL1-like CTC-created circuit is missing a
cross-connect or circuit span (network link), and a complete path from
source to destinations does not exist.
CONVERSION_PENDING An existing circuit in a topology upgrade is set to this status. The circuit
returns to the DISCOVERED status when the topology upgrade is
complete. For more information about in-service topology upgrades, see
Chapter 9, “SDH Topologies and Upgrades.”