Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 10 Alarm Monitoring and Management
External Alarms and Controls
• Alarm type
• Alarm severity (CR, MJ, MN, NA, and NR)
• Alarm-trigger setting (open or closed); open means that the normal condition is to have current
flowing through the contact, and the alarm is generated when the current stops flowing; closed
means that normally no current flows through the contact, and the alarm is generated when current
does flow.
• Virtual wire associated with the alarm
• CTC alarm log description (up to 63 characters)
Note If you provision an external alarm to raise when a contact is open, and you have not attached the
alarm cable, the alarm will remain raised until the alarm cable is connected.
Note When you provision an external alarm, the alarm object is ENV-IN-nn. The variable nn refers to
the external alarm’s number, regardless of the name you assign.
10.6.2 External Control Output
You can provision each alarm output separately. Provisionable characteristics of alarm outputs include:
• Control type
• Trigger type (alarm or virtual wire)
• Description for CTC display
• Closure setting (manually or by trigger). If you provision the output closure to be triggered, the
following characteristics can be used as triggers:
Local NE alarm severity—A chosen alarm severity (for example, Major) and any
higher-severity alarm (in this case, Critical) causes output closure
Remote NE alarm severity—Similar to local NE alarm severity trigger setting, but applies to
remote alarms
Virtual wire entities—You can provision an alarm that is input to a virtual wire to trigger an
external control output
For information about provisioning alarms for external devices, refer to the Chapter, “Manage alarms”,
Section, “Provision External Alarms and Controls” in the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure Guide.