Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 2 Card Reference
CE-100T-8 Card
2.2.5 15310E-CTX-K9 Port-Level Indicators
Two bicolor LEDs show the status per port (Ports 1 and 2). The port LED is green if the port is available
to carry traffic and is provisioned as in-service. The port LED is red if there is a signal failure or loss of
signal on the port.
2.3 CE-100T-8 Card
This section describes the features and functions of the Layer 1 Ethernet card, the CE-100T-8.
Note The CE-100T-8 card with PID 15310-CE-100T-8 is not compatible with the ONS 15310-MA SDH.
The 15310-P-CE-100T-8 is compatible with the ONS 15310-MA SDH shelf assembly. If you install a
15310-CE-100T-8 in an ONS 15310-MA SDH shelf assembly, you will receive a mismatched equipment
alarm (mismatchofEquipment). You can view the PID under the node view Inventory tab in CTC.
Caution Do not install CE-100T-8 and ML-100T-8 cards in OSP.
The CE-100T-8 card maps 8-port 10/100-Mbps Ethernet-encapsulated traffic into SDH payloads,
making use of low-order (VC12) virtual concatenation (VCAT), high-order (VC3, VC4) VCAT, generic
framing procedure (GFP), and Point-to-Point Protocol/high-level data link control (PPP/HDLC) framing
protocols. It also supports the link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS), which allows hitless dynamic
adjustment of SDH link bandwidth. The CE-100T-8 card provides eight RJ-45 10/100-Mbps Ethernet
ports on the faceplate of the card. An inactive RJ-11 console port is also on the faceplate.
The circuit types supported are:
• VC3 and VC4 CCAT
• VC3-Nv VCAT (N = 1–3)
• VC3-Nv LCAS (N = 1–3)
• VC3-2v software LCAS (SW-LCAS) (compatible with ML-Series cards only)
• VC12-Nv VCAT (N = 1-63)
• VC12-Nv LCAS(N = 1-63)
Note The SW-LCAS is not supported on CE-100T-8 cards for interoperation with the CE-MR-6 and
ML-MR-10 cards.
The ACT/STBY LED is green if the card is the active 15310E-CTX-K9 card.
It is amber if the card is the standby card.
The SYNC LED is green if the 15310E-CTX-K9 card detects both a primary
and secondary clock reference. It is amber if the card detects only a single
clock reference.
Table 2-3 15310E-CTX-K9 Card-Level Indicators (continued)
Card-Level LEDs Description