Cisco Systems 15310-MA Switch User Manual

Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels
Section and Path Trace
7.8 Section and Path Trace
SDH J0 section and J1 and J2 path trace are repeated, fixed-length strings composed of 16 or 64
consecutive bytes. You can use the strings to monitor interruptions or changes to circuit traffic. For the
ONS 15310-MA SDH node, J0 section trace is supported for optical and E3 ports on the
15310E-CTX-K9, E1_21_E3_DS3_3, or E1_63_E3_DS3_3 cards. Table 7-9 shows the ONS 15310-MA
SDH cards and/or ports that support J1 and/or J2 path trace.
If the string received at a circuit drop port does not match the string that the port expects to receive, an
alarm is raised. Two path trace modes are available:
Automatic—The receiving port assumes that the first string it receives is the baseline string.
Manual—The receiving port uses a string that you manually enter as the baseline string.
Split fiber Manual/Auto
Fully protected (Line only)
Note Path protection is not supported.
Split fiber with secondary
Fully protected
Note Line protection is not supported.
Table 7-8 Protection options for Open-Ended VCAT Circuits
Routing Preferences Routing Mode Protection Options
Table 7-9 ONS 15310-MA SDH Cards/Ports Capable of J1/J2 Path Trace
Trace Function J1 or J2 Cards/Ports
Transmit and receive J1 CE-MR-6
J1 and J2 CE-100T-8
J2 ONS 15310-MA SDH STMN, and E1 ports
Receive J1 ONS 15310-MA SDH STMN, E1, and DS3