Cisco UCS C220 Server Installation and Service Guide
Appendix A Server Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Table A-2 lists the environmental specifications for the server.
Ta b l e A-2 Environmental Specifications
Description Specification
Temperature, operating: 41 to 104°F (5 to 40°C)
Derate the maximum temperature by 1°C per every
305 meters of altitude above sea level.
Temperature, non-operating –40 to 149°F (–40 to 65°C)
Humidity (RH), noncondensing 10 to 90%
Altitude, operating 0 to 10,000 feet
Altitude, non-operating 0 to 40,000 feet
Sound power level
Measure A-weighted per ISO7779 LwAd (Bels)
Operation at 73°F (23°C)
Sound pressure level
Measure A-weighted per ISO7779 LpAm (dBA)
Operation at 73°F (23°C)