The following illustration and table describe how to use the Security screen.
Figure 3-7 Security screen
Table 3-6 Security
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 HP EWS tabs and menus For more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web
2 Set Password Set an administrator password to control who can gain access to the EWS
Settings, and Networking tabs. After the password has been set, users
are prompted to type a password when they click the Log In link. For
more information, see
Login and logoff.
To clear a password, remove the characters from the New Password
field, leave the Verify Password field empty, and click the Apply button.
3 Print Page Select to make the Print screen available in the Information tab.
4 Display On Device Status
Select the control-panel buttons that you want to appear on the Device
Status screen (on the Information tab).
5 Direct Ports Select Disable Direct Ports
36 Chapter 3 Configuring the product from the Settings screens ENWW