- Log Storage:
1. Single HDD Reserve Space
This option permits reserved HDD space from 500 MB to
1000 MB.
2. Split Recording File
From this option, you can adjust the file size for recording the
video images (the default setting is 10MB). If the recorded
video files reach the file size, video images will be recorded
into another file automatically. By File Size - permits
recording by file size from 10 MB to 50 MB.
- Storage List:
This option is used to define the path to save image files.
The software will create a camera name folder as the
“Storage List” which is allowed to create up to 16 File Path.
- Recycle:
When you enabled this function, it will recycle the HDD
space once the disk space is less than the size defined. The
size defined can be from 200 MB to 50000 MB.
- Proxy Server
: Select this option to enable the Proxy Server support.
- Camera Scan Interval: It allows you to display for each camera one by one. The
time interval for each camera can be from 1 Sec. to 20 Sec.
7.2.6. Camera Configure
Click the “Camera Config” button and it will active the Camera Setting, Motion Setting
and Update Firmware buttons.
Opens the webbrowser for configuration through the
webinterface of the Camera.
- Motion Setting
You can adjust the sensitivity level and choose the Invoke
Motion Setting
Update F.W.