Using the System Setup Program 143
48F9 N/A Use RAID HDD14 as the 1st RAID boot device on the
next boot.
48FA N/A Use RAID HDD15 as the 1st RAID boot device on the
next boot.
48FB N/A Use RAID HDD16 as the 1st RAID boot device on the
next boot.
48FC N/A Use HDD7 as the 1st boot device on the next boot.
48FD N/A Use HDD8 as the 1st boot device on the next boot.
4900 PCIe Slot1 Enables the PCIe expansion slot1 without executing
the option ROM initialization.
4901 PCIe Slot2 Enables the PCIe expansion slot2 without executing
the option ROM initialization.
4902 PCIe Slot3 Enables the PCIe expansion slot3 without executing
the option ROM initialization.
4903 PCIe Slot4 Enables the PCIe expansion slot4 without executing
the option ROM initialization.
4904 Mezzanine Slot Enables the mezzanine card expansion slot without
executing the option ROM initialization.
4910 Chassis Level
Disables the chassis level capping function.
4911 Chassis Level
Enables the chassis level capping function. (default)
4912 Sled Level Policy Selects chassis level as the sled level policy when an
emergency throttling event is triggered. (default)
4913 Sled Level Policy Selects throttling as the sled level policy when an
emergency throttling event is triggered.
4914 Sled Level Policy Selects power off as the sled level policy when an
emergency throttling event is triggered.
4915 Sled Level Policy Sets sled level policy to do nothing when an
emergency throttling event is triggered.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description