D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
Disable Login: Enable to prevent the users of this group from logging into the
devices management interface(s)
Deny Login from WAN interface: Enable to prevent the users of this group
from logging in from a WAN (wide area network) interface. In this case only
login through LAN is allowed.
Figure 68: Group login policies options
Policy by Browsers
To set browser policies for the group, select the corresponding group click ―Policy by
Browsers‖. The following parameters are configured:
Group Name: This is the name of the group that can have its login policy edited
Deny Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will be
used to prevent the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI. All
non-defined browsers will be allowed for login for this group.
Allow Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will
be used to allow the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI.
All non-defined browsers will be denied for login for this group.
Defined Browsers:This list displays the web browsers that have been added to
the Defined Browsers list, upon which group login policies can be defined.
(Check Box At First Column Header): Selects all the defined browsers in the
Delete: Deletes the selected browser(s).
You can add to the list of Defined Browsers by selecting a client browser from the
drop down menu and clicking Add. This browser will then appear in the abo ve list
of Defined Browsers.
Click Save Settings to save your changes.