D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
Advertisement Period: This is the frequency that the router broadcasts UPnP
information over the network. A large value will minimize network traffic but
cause delays in identifying new UPnP devices to the network.
Advertisement Time to Live: This is expressed in hops for each UPnP packet. This
is the number of steps a packet is allowed to propagate before being discarded.
Small values will limit the UPnP broadcast range. A default of 4 is typical for
networks with few switches.
Figure 9: UPnP Configuration
UPnP Port map Table
The UPnP Port map Table has the details of UPnP devices that respond to the router‘s
advertisements. The following information is displayed for each detected device:
Active: A yes/no indicating whether the port of the UPnP device that established a
connection is currently active
Protocol: The network protocol (i.e. HTTP, FTP, etc.) used by the DSR
Int. Port (Internal Port): The internal ports opened by UPnP (if any)
Ext. Port (External Port): The external ports opened by UPnP (if any)
IP Address: The IP address of the UPnP device detected by this router
Click Refresh to refresh the portmap table and search for any new UPnP devices.