D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
When IPv6 is PPPoE type, the following PPPoE fields are enabled.
Username: Enter the username required to log in to the ISP.
Password: Enter the password required to login to the ISP.
Authentication Type: The type of Authentication in use by the profile: Auto-
Dhcpv6 Options: The mode of Dhcpv6 client that will start in this mode:
disable dhcpv6/stateless dhcpv6/stateful dhcpv6/stateless dhcpv6 with prefix
Primary DNS Server: Enter a valid primary DNS Server IP Address.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter a valid secondary DNS Server IP Address.
Click Save Settings to save your changes.
3.2.7 Checking WAN Status
Setup > Internet Settings > WAN1 Status
The status and summary of configured settings for both WAN1, WAN2 and WAN3
are available on the WAN Status page. You can view the following key connection
status information for each WAN port:
Connection time: The connection uptime
Connection type: Dynamic IP or Static IP
Connection state: This is whether the WAN is connected or disconnected to
an ISP. The Link State is whether the physical WAN connection in place;
the Link State can be UP (i.e. cable inserted) while the WAN Connection
State is down.
IP address / subnet mask: IP Address assigned
Gateway IP address: WAN Gateway Address