D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
System: This refers to application and management level features available on this
router, including SSL VPN and administrator changes for managing the unit.
Wireless: This facility corresponds to the 802.11 driver used for providing AP
functionality to your network.
Local1-UTM: This facility corresponds to IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)
which helps in detecting malicious intrusion attempts from the WAN.
For each facility, the following events (in order of severity) can be logged:
Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notification, Information, Debugging.
When a particular severity level is selected, all events with severity equal to and
greater than the chosen severity are captured. For example if you have configured
CRITICAL level logging for the Wireless facility, then 802.11 logs with severities
CRITICAL, ALERT, and EMERGENCY are logged. The severity levels available
for logging are:
EMERGENCY: system is unusable
ALERT: action must be taken immediately
CRITICAL: critical conditions
ERROR: error conditions
WARNING: warning conditions
NOTIFICATION: normal but significant condition
INFORMATION: informational
DEBUGGING: debug-level messages