D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 82: SMS Service Send SMS
The following details are displayed in SMS INBOX page:
Sno: Displays the serial number of message in the inbox.
Sender: Displays the sender of the particular message.
TimeStamp: Displays the time when the message was sent
Text: Displays the content of the particular Message.
The following actions are performed:
Delete: Deletes the SMS having that particular Sno. Only one message can be
deleted at a time.
Refresh: Updates the inbox with new SMS (if any).
Reply: Lets the user create a new SMS in reply to a particular message by the
selected sender. ―Receiver" field in the createSms.htm page is filled with the
sender's number.
Forward: Lets the user forward a selected SMS. "Text Message" field in the
createSms.htm page is filled with the "Text" of the selected message.