D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
Service: ANY means all traffic is affected by this rule. For a specific
service the drop down list has common services, or you can select a
custom defined service.
Action & Schedule: Select one of the 4 actions that this rule defines:
BLOCK always, ALLOW always, BLOCK by schedule otherwise
ALLOW, or ALLOW by schedule otherwise BLOCK. A schedule must
be preconfigured in order for it to be available in the dropdown list to
assign to this rule.
Source & Destination users: For each relevant category, select the users
to which the rule applies:
Any (all users)
Single Address (enter an IP address)
Address Range (enter the appropriate IP address range)
Log: traffic that is filtered by this rule can be logged; this requires
configuring the router‘s logging feature separately.
QoS Priority: Outbound rules (where To Zone = insecure WAN only)
can have the traffic marked with a QoS priority tag. Select a priority
Normal-Service: ToS=0 (lowest QoS)
Minimize-Cost: ToS=1
Maximize-Reliability: ToS=2
Maximize-Throughput: ToS=4
Minimize-Delay: ToS=8 (highest QoS)
6. Inbound rules can use Destination NAT (DNAT) for managing traffic from the WAN.
Destination NAT is available when the To Zone = DMZ or secure LAN.
With an inbound allow rule you can enter the internal server address
that is hosting the selected service.
You can enable port forwarding for an incoming service specific rule
(From Zone = WAN) by selecting the appropriate checkbox. This will
allow the selected service traffic from the internet to reach the
appropriate LAN port via a port forwarding rule.
Translate Port Number: With port forwarding, the incoming traffic to
be forwarded to the port number entered here.