D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
may use the IP address if a static address is assigned to the WAN port, or if your
WAN address is dynamic a DDNS (Dynamic DNS) name can be used.
Outbound (LAN/DMZ to WAN) rules restrict access to traffic leaving your network,
selectively allowing only specific local users to access specific outside resources. The
default outbound rule is to allow access from the secure zone (LAN) to either the
public DMZ or insecure WAN. On other hand the default outbound rule is to deny
access from DMZ to insecure WAN. You can change this default behaviour in the
Firewall Settings > Default Outbound Policy page. When the default outbound
policy is allow always, you can to block hosts on the LAN from accessing internet
services by creating an outbound firewall rule for each service.
Figure 37: List of Available Firewall Rules
5.2 Defining Rule Schedules
Tools > Schedules
Firewall rules can be enabled or disabled automatically if they are associated with a
configured schedule. The schedule configuration page allows you to define days of
the week and the time of day for a new schedule, and then this schedule can be
selected in the firewall rule configuration page.
All schedules will follow the time in the routers configured time zone. Refer to the
section on choosing your Time Zone and configuring NTP servers for more