D-Link DSR-1000N Network Router User Manual

Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 105: Resource Utilization data (continued)
10.2 Traffic Statistics
10.2.1 Wired Port Statistics
Status > Traffic Monitor > Device Statistics
Detailed transmit and receive statistics for each physical port are presented here.
Each interface (WAN1, WAN2/DMZ, LAN, and VLANs) have port specific packet
level information provided for review. Transmitted/received packets, port collisions,
and the cumulating bytes/sec for transmit/receive directions are provided for each
interface along with the port up time. If you suspect issues with any of the wired
ports, this table will help diagnose uptime or transmit level issues with the port.
The statistics table has auto-refresh control which allows display of the most current
port level data at each page refresh. The default auto-refresh for this page is 10