ATCA-7350 Control via IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800H29E)
FRU Information and Sensor Data
3.1 FRU Information
The ATCA-7350 supports FRU according to the PICMG 3.0 ATCA specification. The ATCA-
7350 supports six FRUs, including:
z FRU0: on the ATCA-7350
z FRU1: RTM-ATCA-7350
z FRU2-FRU3: for daughter cards on the RTM-ATCA-7350
z FRU6: SOL daughter card on the ATCA-7350
FRU0 and FRU1 are managed FRUs, whereas other FRUs are unmanaged ones.
Table 3- 1 shows the FRU data format of RU0-FRU6.
3.2 MAC Address Record
The blade provides one OEM FRU record which contains information about on-board MAC
Table 3-1 FRU Information
Area Description Value Access
Board info area Manufacturing
According to Platform Management FRU
information Storage Definition v1.0
Board manufacturer EMERSON r/w
Board product name ATCA-7350 r/w
Board serial number Defined by Emerson r/w
Board part number Defined by Emerson r/w
Product info area Product manufacturer EMERSON r/w
Product name Specific blade variant name r/w
Product serial
Defined by Emerson r/w
Product Version Defined by Emerson r/w
Product part number Defined by Emerson r/w
Multi record area OEM MAC address
Emerson record ID 0x01 r/w
Board point-to-point
connectivity record
PICMG record ID 0x14 r/w