If you load MS-DOS from the hard disk, the command prompt
looks like this:
The hard disk prompt is different because the Apex
been set up with a special command that changes the
command prompt to show the current directory. (A directory
consists of a group of files stored together under an identifying
name. See Chapter 3 for a complete description of directories.)
The command that changes the command prompt is called
PROMPT and it is stored in a file called AUTOEXEC.BAT.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains a series of commands that
your computer performs each time it loads MS-DOS. You can
add commands to this file to automate a set of procedures you
normally perform each time you turn on the computer. See
Chapter 3 for more information about using the
For consistency, this manual uses the same format for the
command prompt for both drive A and drive C, that is: A>
and C>.
Setting the Time and Date on the Apex 100\20
The first time you use your Apex 100\20, you need to set the
correct date and time for the computer’s real-time clock.
Follow these steps:
At the C> prompt,
type DATE
and press
The screen
displays the following:
Current date is Mon 7-24-89
Enter new date (mm-dd-yy):
Setting Up Your System