Epson 1815p Projector User Manual

Index 203
blank screen, 21 to 22, 167 to 168
cut-off image, 169
distorted image, 24 to 27
EasyMP problems, 175 to 177
image and sound problems, 167 to 172
network problems, 173 to 175
no signal, 21, 168
projector problems, 163 to 166
remote control problems, 177
tapered image, 24 to 27
wireless projection problems, 84 to 85,
173 to 175
Turning off picture (using A/V Mute), 31
Turning off projector, 20
Unpacking projector, 12
cable, 12, 39, 41
display, 39 to 40
USB drive
projecting from, 100 to 101
transferring scenarios to, 114 to 115
User’s Logo
creating, 130
display settings, 131
VCR, connecting, 41 to 46
cables, 12, 13, 41
connecting video equipment, 41 to 46
formats, supported, 189 to 191
projecting wirelessly, 92 to 93
selecting source, 20, 30, 43, 44
Video Signal setting, 125
Virtual display, 183
Volume, controlling, 33, 126
Warning lights, 165 to 166
Warranty, 11
WEP encryption, 76 to 77
configuring for wireless, 61 to 63, 67 to 71
display problems, 168
EasyMP system requirements, 181
Explorer, 151
Wired network, 136 to 137
connecting manually, 86 to 87
EAP, 79 to 80
EAP-TLS, 80 to 81
LEAP, 79 to 80
module, 12
network card, 52, 56, 181
PEAP, 79 to 80
presentation, 55 to 92
problems, 173 to 175
security, 87 to 89
WEP encryption, 76 to 77
WPA security, 77 to 78
Wireless, mouse, 34, 40 to 41
WPA security, 77 to 78
Zoom ratio, 187
Zooming image, 24, 32