Escient Vision VX-600 Installation Guide
Version: M51003-06A1
To view information about the content on your Vision
1. SelectUtilities
2. SelectMyContent
3. Select Movies, Music, or Photos
4. View information about the selected type of media
To lookup metadata for unknown content on your Vision
1. SelectUtilities
2. SelectMediaLookup
3. SelectIdentityUnknownMusicCoversorIdentifyUnknownMovies
4. WaitasthemetadataisretrievedfromtheEscientservers
To delete movies and music from your Vision
1. SelectUtilities
2. SelectDeleteMedia
3. Select Movies or Music
4. NavigatethelistandlocatethemediayouwanttodeletefromyourVision
5. PresstheOPTIONSbuttonontheremote.
6. SelectDELETEtoconrmthepermanentremovaloftheselectedmedia
To delete photos from your Vision
1. ConnecttoyourVisionusingit’sIPaddressorit’sServerNameifyouarehavea
2. SelectthePHOTOSvolume
3. DeletethefoldersorindividualphotosthatyouwantremovedfromyourVi-
Note: Deleting Photos can only be accomplished from a PC over your network.