FS-RA-CLX_SlotServer_Instruction_Manual_(T17011) Page 5 of 34
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldServer.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldServer.com
2. Pre-Startup checklist
2.1. Accessories supplied with the SlotServer
Please verify that the following components were supplied with the SlotServer module:
FieldServer Technologies
2-way combi-comb connector for LonWorks port
Software CD
CAT-5 Direct Ethernet Cable
Documentation Binder
2.2. Third party components (not supplied by FieldServer Technologies)
The following components will need to be procured as a minimum for achieving ControlLogix
integration. Ensure that these are available before commencing with commissioning
Part # Description
AB1756-Ax ControlLogix Rack
AB1756-L55/L61 ControlLogix CPU
AB1756-PA7x ControlLogix PSU
9324-RLD300ENE RSLOGIX 5000
2.3. Required configuration for the SlotServer
To achieve data transfer between CPU tags and the SlotServer third party protocols, it will
be necessary to write and load a configuration into the SlotServer that tells the SlotServer
how to map the ControlLogix Tags to the required protocol addresses. This configuration is
written in a Comma Separated Variable (csv) file, and any text editor or spreadsheet
program that supports csv format can be used for this purpose. FieldServer Technologies
provides an example configuration file so that the configuration does not need to be written
from scratch. Configuration parameters needed to exchange data between the CPU and
the SlotServer data images (Data Arrays) are presented in Section 6. The appropriate
driver manual supplement will describe how to map the data in and out of the Data Arrays
for the relevant protocol.
The FieldServer configuration manual details basic and advanced techniques for the
configuration of the SlotServer Manual, and it is strongly advised that this manual is read
before attempting to write the SlotServer Configuration.
Note: FieldServer Technologies provides SlotServer configuration services if the user does
not wish to perform the configuration themselves.