FortiController-5103B system Front panel LEDs and connectors
FortiController-5103B Session-Aware Load Balancer Guide
10-500-161552-20140822 9
About the SH1 and SH2 LEDs
SH1 and SH2 are base channel interfaces that can be used to connect the
FortiController-5103B board to the chassis shelf managers over the chassis backplane.
The SH1 and SH2 LEDs indicate the status of the connections between the
FortiController-5103B board and a shelf manager. Whether or not these LEDs are lit
depends on the configuration of the SH1 and SH2 interfaces on the
FortiController-5103B board, the configuration of the chassis backplane, and if one or
both shelf managers are installed and configured to connect using the backplane or their
front panel Ethernet interfaces.
By default the SH1 interface is disabled so the SH1 LED will not light.
By default, the SH2 interface is enabled so the SH2 LED will be lit if it can connect to a
shelf manager over the chassis blackplane. If the FortiController-5103B board is installed
in chassis slot 1, the SH2 LED indicates a connection to shelf manager 2. If the
FortiController-5103B board is installed in chassis slot 2, the SH2 LED indicates a
connection to shelf manager 1.
Front panel connectors
Table 3: FortiController-5103B connectors
Connector Type Speed Protocol Description
RJ-45 9600 bps
Serial connection to the
command line interface.
USB USB Not used.
1 to 8
SFP+ (10
gigabit) or
SPF (1
10-gigabit full
1-gigabit full
Ethernet 10-gigabit SPF+ connection to
10-gigabit networks or 1-
gigabit SPF connection to
1-gigabit networks. Small
form-factor pluggable
transceiver. On the
FortiController-5103B GUI and
CLI these interfaces are f1 to
f8. In single
FortiController-5103B mode,
workers see these as fctrl/1 to
fctrl/8. In dual
FortiController-5103B mode,
workers see these as fctrl1/1
to fctrl1/8 and fctrl2/1 to
B1 and B2
SFP+ (10
gigabit) or
SPF (1
10-gigabit full
1-gigabit full
Ethernet 10-gigabit SPF+ connection to
10-gigabit networks or 1-
gigabit SPF connection to
1-gigabit networks. Small
form-factor pluggable
transceiver. For heartbeat and
management communication
between FortiController-5103B